
Showing posts from September, 2017
WARM UP Discuss your ExEd? I went to _____________. It was _____________. My favorite part was __________. Las Vegas shooting Time of silence for families Call your mom - Latino Parent Night 6:15 p.m.  - Potluck Lotto Lara FAMILY PROJECT SPECIAL GUEST : SCOTT CONDON WRITING/SPEAKING - Upcoming Project 4 CORNERS QUESTIONS Translate son-in-law daughter - in law cousin uncle aunt Warm Up/Discuss ART PROJECT/HOMES YOUR HOME PROJECT/NOTES What country did you pick? Why? I picked ____________because ___________.
WARM UP Today is __________________. Ask someone when is their birthday. _______________birthday is __________________. DICTADO TIME SUBJECT AND OBJECT PRONOUNS ACTIONS PRACTICE INTERVIEW A PERSON! Tell me your birthday.